Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mango Mousse

2 big mangos(pulp removed)
1/4 cup castor sugar
150 gm cream
half a sachet of gelatine
2 egg whites
2tbsp cold water
1tbsp icng sugar
1 cup mango slices

Add castor sugar to the mango pulp and mix well.
Spinkle gelatine in cold water.
Dissolve gelatine by keeping the bowl in another bigger bowl of hot water.
Once disolved, mix well with the pulp.
Beat cream with icing sugar till it becomes soft and fluffy.
Now add the cream to the mango pulp and mix well.
Beat the egg whites well untill stiff.
Add the egg white to the mango mixture and mix well.
Pour into bowls and chill for 3 hours.
Decorate with mango slices and serve.

1 comment: said...

Wow!!!A very yummy recipe...Will surely try out sometime...